Student Scholarships



IFDA-EF SCHOLARSHIPS REQUIRE A MAJOR IN INTERIOR DESIGN OR A RELATED DESIGN/FURNISHINGS PROGRAM, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.  Applicants need not be US citizens, but must attend School in the US. Scholarships are for undergraduate and graduate students attending U.S. institutions and all applications must be in English. 

Scholarship funds are paid directly to the recipient's school earmarked for tuition and not paid directly to the student (see individual scholarship criteria for exceptions). For two and three year programs, the scholarship may also be paid directly to the institution, OR it may be a special course rather than a monetary award. Please read all of a particular scholarship's descriptions and criteria and eligibility before applying.

To apply for an undergraduate scholarship in 2025, you must be currently enrolled, meet the criteria listed for the scholarship you are applying for, and your graduation date must be no earlier than the end of fall semester of 2025. You are not eligible to apply for a scholarship if your graduation date is in either the spring or summer semester of 2025.

To apply for a graduate student scholarship in 2025, you must be currently enrolled in a graduate program, or officially accepted into one for the summer or fall of 2025 (please provide a copy of your acceptance letter), meet the criteria listed for the scholarship you are applying for, and your graduation date must be no earlier than the end of the fall semester of 2025. You are not eligible to apply for a scholarship if your graduation date is in either the spring or summer semester of 2025.

All scholarships are listed below. Scroll down to go to the overview, criteria, and requirements for each scholarship. The scholarship application forms may be found by clicking on the "View" link at the end of each scholarship overview. See application forms for further requirements. The committee will not review incomplete or late applications.


Applications accepted each year between March 1 and emailed no later than March 31st. Winners will be notified by July 1 unless otherwise stated.

FBN Leaders Commemorative Scholarship — $3,000

Open To Currently Enrolled Interior Design or Related Program, Full-Time Undergraduate Students, Extra Credit For Volunteer Work/Leadership.

Part-Time Student Scholarship — $1,500

Open To Currently Enrolled Interior Design or Related Program, Part-Time Students.

IFDA Student Member Scholarship — $2,000

Open To Currently Enrolled Interior Design or Related Program, Full-Time Undergraduate, IFDA Student Members

Vercille Voss IFDA Graduate Student Scholarship — $2,000

Open To Currently Enrolled Interior Design or Related Program, Full- or Part-Time Graduate Students

Ruth Clark Furniture Design Scholarship — $4,000

Open To Currently Enrolled, Full- or Part-Time Undergraduate or Graduate Students With a Course Emphasis on Furniture Design.

Tricia LeVangie Green/Sustainable Design Scholarship — $1,500

Open To Currently Enrolled Interior Design or Related Program,  Full- or Part-Time Undergraduate Students

Barbara Beckmann Textile Design Scholarship — $3,000

Open To Currently Enrolled Interior Design or Related Program, Full- or Part-Time Undergraduate and Graduate Students With a Course Emphasis on Textile Design.


IFDA Philadelphia Scholarship — $2,500

Open To Currently Enrolled, Two, Three or Four Year Interior Design or Related Program Students With Course Emphasis on Textile Design.

Window Fashion Certified Professionals Fast Track Scholarship -One Full Registration         ($1,000 value)

Open To Currently Enrolled, Two, Three or Four Year Interior Design or Related Program Students


FBN Leaders Commemorative Scholarship — $3,000 

FBN Construction Company established this scholarship in memory of John DeShazo, founder of FBN Construction Company. This scholarship is available to any undergraduate student enrolled in an interior design or related program. The student must be involved with volunteer or community service and have held leadership positions during the past five years.

    All applicants must have completed four design courses in post-secondary education at the time of application and be majoring in Interior Design or a related field.

    The completed application packet must include a transcript of course work that verifies full-time status and shows your GPA. 

    Applications will be accepted each year between March 1, no later than March 31. Winner will be notified by July 1. See application form for further requirements. 

Application Requirements for FBN Leaders Commemorative Scholarship

One (1) copy of:

*An unofficial transcript from your college Registrar. Transcript should be sent with your PDF files by March 31st deadline.

*The completed Application Form.

*200-400 word essay explaining your long and short term goals, special interests, volunteer/community service, and what inspired you to pursue a professional career in this field.

*One Design Project Example, to include process details, descriptions and both in-process and final drawings (to include plan, elevation and/or 3-D drawings and renderings). Computer generated and/or hand work may be included. (group projects will not be accepted)

*Two additional individual images, without supporting documentation, computer generated and/or hand drawings and/or renderings may be included. (Unrelated to the above project)

*Letter of recommendation from an instructor/professor on official school stationery.

*Response to the leadership activities question noted at bottom of application. Note: Greater consideration will be given to a commitment to public service.

*Application, essay, work and any other requirements are to be emailed as PDF files.

View the FBN Leaders Commemorative Scholarship Application

The scholarship committee will not review incomplete or late applications.

Part-Time Student Scholarship — $1,500

Supported by IFDA Educational Foundation

The IFDA Educational Foundation Board of Trustees added a scholarship for a part-time undergraduate student enrolled in a continuing education in interior design or related program at an accredited school.

Applications accepted each year between March 1 and emailed no later than March 31. Winner will be notified by July 1. See application form for further requirements.


All applicants must have completed four design courses in post-secondary education at the time of application and be majoring in Interior Design or a related field. The recipient of this scholarship must be enrolled for the fall semester following the March 31st application deadline, in order to receive this scholarship.

The scholarship applicant must be currently enrolled in at least two courses as a part-time student.

The completed application packet must include a transcript of course work that verifies part-time status and shows your GPA.

Application Requirements for Part-Time Student Scholarship

One (1) copy of:

*An unofficial transcript from your college Registrar. Transcript should be sent with your PDF files by March 31st deadline.

*The completed Application Form.

*200-400 word essay explaining your long-and short-term goals, special interests, volunteer/community service, and what inspired you to pursue a professional career in this field.

*One Design Project Example, to include process details, descriptions and both in-process and final drawings (to include plan, elevation and/or 3-D drawings and renderings). Computer generated and/or hand work may be included. (group projects will not be accepted)

*Two additional individual images, without supporting documentation, computer generated and/or hand drawings and/or renderings may be included. (Unrelated to the above project)

*Letter of recommendation from an instructor/professor on official school stationery.

Application, essay, work and any other requirements are to be emailed as PDF files.

View the Part-Time Student Scholarship Application

The scholarship committee will not review incomplete or late applications.

IFDA Student Member Scholarship — $2,000

Supported by IFDA Educational Foundation  

The IFDA Student Member Scholarship is available through the IFDA Educational Foundation to a full-time, current student member of IFDA who has completed a minimum of four design courses in a post secondary interior design or related program. The IFDA student identification number must be included on the application form.


All applicants must have completed four design courses in post secondary education at the time of application and be majoring in Interior Design or a related field. The recipient of this scholarship must be enrolled for the fall semester following the March 31st application deadline, in order to receive this scholarship.

The completed application packet must include a transcript of course work that verifies full-time status and shows your GPA.

Application accepted each year between March 1 and emailed no later than March 31. Winner will be notified by July 1. See application form for further requirements.

Application Requirements for IFDA Student Member Scholarship

One (1) copy of:

   *An unofficial transcript from your college Registrar. Transcript should be sent with your PDF files by March 31st deadline.

   *The completed Application Form.

   *200-400 word essay explaining your long-and short-term goals, special interests, volunteer/community service, and what inspired you to pursue a professional career in this field.

   *One Design Project Example, to include process details, descriptions and both in-process and final drawings (to include plan, elevation and/or 3-D drawings and renderings). Computer generated and/or hand work may be included. (group projects will not be accepted)

   *Two additional individual images, without supporting documentation, computer generated and/or hand drawings and/or renderings may be included. (Unrelated to the above project)

   *Letter of Recommendation from an instructor/professor on official school stationery.

Application, essay, work and any other requirements are to be emailed as PDF files.

View the IFDA Student Scholarship Application

The scholarship committee will not review incomplete or late applications.

Vercille Voss Graduate Student Scholarship — $2,000 

Supported by the Vercille Voss Legacy Trust

The Vercille Voss Graduate Student Scholarship is in memory of Vercille Voss, longtime Illinois Chapter member and mentor to new members and students. The applicant must be enrolled as a part-time or full-time graduate student at an accredited university.


All applicants must be graduate students and have completed four design courses in post-secondary education at the time of application and be majoring in Interior Design or a related field. The recipient of this scholarship must be enrolled for the fall semester following the March 31st application deadline, in order to receive this scholarship.

Application accepted each year between March 1 and no later than March 31. Winner will be notified by July first.   See application form for further requirements.

Application Requirements for Vercille Voss Graduate Student Scholarship

One copy of:

   *An unofficial transcript from your college Registrar. May be from the institution granting your undergraduate degree.       *Transcript should be sent with your PDF files by March 31st deadline.

   *Copy of your letter of acceptance to Graduate School (for the applicant entering graduate school in the fall) as proof of enrollment.

   *The completed Application Form.

   *200-400 word essay explaining your long- and short-term goals, special interests, volunteer/community service, and what inspired you to pursue a professional career in this field.

   *One Design Project Example, to include process details, descriptions and both in-process and final drawings (to include plan, elevation and/or 3-D drawings and renderings). Computer generated and/or hand work may be included. (group projects will not be accepted)

   *Two additional individual images, without supporting documentation, computer generated and/or hand drawings and/or renderings may be included. (Unrelated to the above project)

   *Letter of Recommendation from an instructor/professor on official school stationery.

Application, essay, work and any other requirements are to be emailed as PDF files.

View the Vercille Voss Graduate Scholarship

The scholarship committee will not review incomplete or late applications.

Ruth Clark Furniture Design Scholarship — $4,000

Supported by the IFDA Carolinas Chapter

The Ruth Clark Furniture Design Scholarship was established by the Carolinas Chapter to honor Ruth Clark, one of the chapter's founding members. Ruth Clark was an IFDA Fellow and a graduate of Rhode Island School of Design. During her career, she designed upholstered furniture for several companies, and many of her designs have become classics in the industry.  The scholarship is open to currently enrolled post-secondary students whose emphasis is on residential furniture design.


All applicants must have completed four design courses in post-secondary education at the time of application and be majoring in Interior Design or a related field.

The scholarship is open to currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate post-secondary students majoring in DESIGN with a focus on residential upholstered and/or wood furniture design. The recipient of this scholarship must be enrolled for the fall semester following the March 31st application deadline, in order to receive this scholarship.

The completed application packet must include a transcript of course work that verifies full-time status and shows your GPA.

Application accepted each year between March 1 and no later than March 31. Winner will be notified by July first. See application form for further requirements.

Application Requirements for Ruth Clark Scholarship for Furniture Design

One copy of:

   *An unofficial transcript from your college Registrar. Transcript should be sent with your PDF files by March 31st deadline.

   *The completed Application Form.

   *200-400 word essay explaining your long- and short-term goals, special interests, volunteer/community service, and what inspired you to pursue a professional career in this field.

   *One Design Project Example, to include process details, descriptions and both in-process and final drawings (to include plan, elevation and/or 3-D drawings and renderings). Computer generated and/or hand work may be included. (group projects will not be accepted)

   *Four additional individual images, with descriptions, detailed computer generated final design images and/or final design hand drawings and/or final design renderings and/or final built examples.

   *Final built furniture images are encouraged for all examples, and we ask that you provide color images.

   *Letter of Recommendation from an instructor/professor on official school stationery.

Application, essay, work and any other requirements are to be emailed as PDF files.

View the Ruth Clark Scholarship Application

The scholarship committee will not review incomplete or late applications.

Tricia LeVangie Green/Sustainable Design Scholarship — $1,500 

Supported by the New England Chapter

The Tricia LeVangie Green/Sustainable Design Scholarship was established by the New England Chapter to honor the late Tricia LeVangie, an active and committed IFDA New England member. The scholarship is for an undergraduate student focusing on the evolving green/sustainable field of study. Sustainable design is the development of innovative ways to create living spaces that are energy efficient and feature green/sustainable materials, fabrications and products. The student applying for this scholarship is planning to become an educated participant in the green movement. Paying equal attention to both sustainability factors and design aesthetics, the student should be demonstrating creative use of green products and eco-friendly furnishings in class projects. The student is familiar with current information in the green/sustainable field, is applying this knowledge in class work and has a goal of seeking a future LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) accreditation. The recipient of this scholarship must be enrolled for the fall semester following the March 31st application deadline, in order to receive this scholarship.


All applicants must have completed four design courses in post-secondary education at the time of application and be majoring in Interior Design or a related field. The recipient of this scholarship must be enrolled for the fall semester following the March 31st application deadline, in order to receive this scholarship.

The completed application packet must include a transcript of course work that verifies full-time status and shows your GPA.

Application accepted each year between March 1 and no later than March 31. Winner will be notified by July first. See application form for further requirements.

Application Requirements for Tricia LeVangie Green/Sustainable Design Scholarship

One copy of:

   *An unofficial transcript from your college Registrar. Transcript should be sent with your PDF files by March 31st deadline.

   *The completed Application Form.

   *200-400 word essay explaining your long- and short-term goals, special interests, volunteer/community service, and what inspired you to pursue a professional career in this field.

   *One Design Project Example, to include process details, descriptions and both in-process and final drawings (to include plan, elevation and/or 3-D drawings and renderings). Computer generated and/or hand work may be included. (group projects will not be accepted)

   *Two additional individual images, without supporting documentation, computer generated and/or hand drawings and/or renderings may be included. (Unrelated to the above project)

   *Letter of Recommendation from an instructor/professor on official school stationery.

Application, essay, work and any other requirements are to be emailed as PDF files.

View the Tricia LeVangie Green/Sustainable Scholarship Application

The scholarship committee will not review incomplete or late applications.

Barbara Beckmann Textile Design Scholarship — $3,000

Supported by the Beckmann Family and the IFDA Northern Californian Chapter

The Barbara Beckmann Textile Design Scholarship was established in memory of Barbara Beckmann, a longtime member and mentor to new members and students. She was the recipient of 2008 IFDA Trailblazer Award for outstanding achievement in the design industry. The scholarship is open to currently enrolled post-secondary students whose emphasis is on textile design.


All applicants must have completed four design courses in post-secondary education at the time of application and be majoring in Textile Design or a related field. The recipient of this scholarship must be enrolled for the fall semester following the March 31st application deadline, in order to receive this scholarship.

All applicants must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate students majoring in DESIGN with a focus on all aspects of textile design.

The completed application packet must include a transcript of course work that verifies full-time status and shows your GPA.

Application accepted each year between March 1 and no later than March 31. Winner will be notified by July first. See application form for further requirements.

Application Requirements for Barbara Beckmann Textile Design Scholarship.

One copy of each of the following::

   *A transcript from your college Registrar. Transcript should be sent with your PDF files by March 31st deadline.

   *The completed Application Form.

   *200-400 word essay explaining your long- and short-term goals, special interests, volunteer/community service, and what inspired you to pursue a professional career in this field.

   *Three Textile design examples, including inspiration, process and material details, descriptions, dimensions and both in-process and final drawings. Computer generated and/or hand work may be included. The final drawings are to be in color.

   *Two additional design examples that show the use/application of the original textile designs; these design examples should also include inspiration, process, descriptions and final drawings. (Unrelated to the above project)

   *Final textile images are encouraged for all examples, and we ask, again, that you provide color images for all final design drawings.

   *Letter of Recommendation from an instructor/professor on official school stationery.

Application, essay, work and any other requirements are to be emailed as PDF files.

View the Barbara Beckmann Textile Design Scholarship Application

The scholarship committee will not review incomplete or late applications.

IFDA Philadelphia Scholarship— $2,500

Supported by the IFDA Philadelphia Chapter

The IFDA Philadelphia Scholarship is available through the IFDA Educational Foundation to a full-time, current undergraduate student, enrolled in either a two, three or four year institution. The recipient of this scholarship will have their monetary award paid directly to their educational institution; the recipient must be enrolled for the fall semester following the March 31st application deadline, in order to receive this scholarship. The scholarship will rotate among four disciplines, over four years in the following order: Textile Design in 2025, Graphic Design in 2026 and Interior Design in 2027.

In addition, the Philadelphia Chapter will provide an IFDA Student Membership for the scholarship recipient.


All applicants must have completed four design courses in post secondary education at the time of application and be majoring in Interior Design or a related field. The recipient of this scholarship must be enrolled for the fall semester following the March 31st application deadline, in order to receive this scholarship.

The completed application packet must include a transcript of course work that verifies full-time status and shows your GPA.

Application accepted each year between March 1 and emailed no later than March 31. Winner will be notified by July 1. See application form for further requirements.

Application Requirements for IFDA Philadelphia Scholarship

One (1) copy of:

   *An unofficial transcript from your college Registrar. Transcript should be sent with your PDF files by March 31st deadline.

   *The completed Application Form.

   *A 200-400 word essay explaining your long- and short-term goals, special interests, volunteer/community service, and what inspired you to pursue a professional career in this field.

   *One Textile Design Project Example, to include process details, descriptions and both in-process and final drawings. Computer generated and/or hand work may be included. (group projects will not be accepted)

   *Four additional individual images, with descriptions, detailed computer generated final design images and/or final design hand drawings and/or final design renderings and/or final built examples. (Unrelated to the above project)

   *Final images are encouraged for all examples, and we ask that you provide color images.

   *Letter of Recommendation from an instructor/professor on official school stationery

Application, essay, work and any other requirements are to be emailed as PDF files.

View the IFDA Philadelphia Scholarship Application

The scholarship committee will not review incomplete or late applications.

Window Fashions Certified Professionals Fast Track Scholarship — ($1,000 value) one full registration   

For the Window Fashions Certified Professionals Fast Track Program for Workroom or Design. Supported by IFDA Educational Foundation and Grace McNamara of Vision Magazine.

This award for either workroom certification or design certification, consists of six (6) live webinars and/or six (6) recorded webinars led by industry notables. Upon completion of the course and its requirements, students will be awarded a certification in the chosen discipline. 

A student must be enrolled in an interior design or related program at a two or three year program.

Applications accepted each year between March 1st and emailed no later than March 31st. Winner will be notified by July 1. See application form for further requirements.


The completed application packet must include an unofficial transcript of course work that verifies status and shows your GPA. Transcript may be sent separately.

Application Requirements for Window Fashions Certified Professionals Fast Track Scholarship

One (1) copy of:

   *An unofficial transcript from your college or design program. Transcript should be sent with your PDF files by March 31 deadline.

   *The completed Application Form.

   *200-400 word essay explaining your long-and short-term goals, special interests, volunteer/community service, and what inspired you to pursue a professional career in this field.

   *One Design Project Example, to include process details, descriptions and both in-process and final drawings (to include plan, elevation and/or 3-D drawings and renderings). Computer generated and/or hand work may be included. (group projects will not be accepted)

   *Two additional individual images, without supporting documentation, computer generated and/or hand drawings and/or renderings may be included. (Unrelated to the above project)

Application, essay, work and any other requirements are to be emailed as PDF files.

View the Windows Fashion Certified Professionals Fast Track Scholarship Application

The scholarship committee will not review incomplete or late applications.


Questions? Contact:

Earline Feldman

Director of Scholarships & Grants


phone: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it."   PHONE: 1.770.378.7221

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