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Welcome to The IFDA 
Educational Foundation 

IFDA Website

IFDA welcomes members from every facet of the furnishings and design industry. Members are executives and companies professionally engaged in the design, production, distribution, promotion, communication or education in the furnishings and design and/or related industries.

Annual Report & EF Event News


IFDA X Met Gala

presented by New England Chapter

Boston, MA   September 20, 2024

The Board of Trustees

The IFDA Educational Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees including: the Chair, Vice Chair, Immediate Past Chair/Advisor; Director of Grants, Director of Communications, Director of Resources and up to four Honorary Trustees. The Chair appoints standing non-voting committee chairpersons. The IFDA President serves as an ex-officio member of the Educational Foundation.

Contributions to the EF Fund

Contributions may be made to IFDAEF through personal or memorial donations or by will to foster and continue the work of the Foundation. Tax-deductible contributions are accepted throughout the year as well as with annual dues renewals. An IFDA member is automatically a member of the Educational Foundation. Click Here to View our Pledge Card.


Design Edge

IFDA Educational Foundation
Presents an Industry summit of Top Designers who defy the limits of design and successfully navigate the crossovers between residential, workplace, as well as hospitality utilizing now-trending products from industry and business environments.

The High Point Market

Ideas & Inspiration
Explore totally-now trends and design styles,          all designed to fit within your project budget.
International Market Centers
Partners in Learning

IFDAEF's Mission

To foster educational and philanthropic activities to enhance the furnishings and design industries;

So, Invest in Us and become an IFDA-EF Partner-in-Learning and together we can assure the future of the design and furnishings industry through education, leadership development and community service.

About Us

The IFDA Educational Foundation's mission is to foster educational and philanthropic activities to enhance the furnishings and design industries.
About Us
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